Syncro Group is flying to Barcelona to participate in the EQUIPLAST FAIR which will be held from May 30th to June 2nd 2023.

Syncro Group will be present on MKP’ s booth, HALL 3 STAND 9 and on LAPEYRA’s booth, HALL 3 STAND 12, with PLANET APPROVED labelled products!

On the booth you will find Syncro’ s Eyes, a vision system for the in-line quality control of plastic films.

The system, thanks to its high-resolution cameras and different lighting configurations, is able to perform a 100% film scan by detecting and classifying all kinds of defects.

With Eyes you can keep production under control.

A laboratory Microex Cast  with an integrated Eyes Pilot System will be exhibited and operating on MKP’ s booth, so you can observe and test the vision and defect detection system in operation!

SYNCRO will showcase its Angel Trap System, designed to capture angel hairs which form during the transportation of granules, thus reducing production defects such as frost and infusions, reducing waste and out-of-tolerance products. Syncro’ s Angel Hair System will be combined with Dyduster, the new hopper loader equipped with an automatic system for separating and removing dust from the granule feeding the dosing unit, thus preventing dust from entering the extruder. You can test these two systems yourself, by asking one of the staff members you will find on the booth to put the machine into operation!

PLANTECH-CST, will showcase one of its C-ONE dosing units designed for those who require precision and a fast and thorough cleaning of the dosing unit, always ensuring its high performance.

Intelligent management of raw materials, post-industrial waste analysis and selection, recipe verification and optimization, production automation, in-line quality and post-industrial waste recycling identify the “ZERO WASTE MYSSION“, the corporate mission of Syncro Group, where all the Group companies are committed: SYNCRO, PLASMAC, PLANTECH-CST, ACELABS, EUR.EX.MA. and SBDRY

Fill out the form with your details by clicking here and writing EQUIPLAST FREE TICKET



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