The world’s top players in blown film extrusion have been demanding ever higher performances over time. TYPHOON³, the single-mouth automatic cooling air ring designed by Syncro, is the most suitable product for their needs. TYPHOON³ is suitable for all producers of monolayer, multilayer, barrier, agricultural and biodegradable film: an evolutionary step of the automatic cooling […]
The year 2023 in Syncro Group begins with the return of someone dear to us: Priscilla Iorio! Priscilla, grown up in Syncro‘ s Back Office, now comes back to the Service department to ensure a customer care of excellence. Syncro Group is growing exponentially along with the need for key employees in all departments. A […]
The Syncro product range is constantly evolving and the Measurement System line, for flat-head extrusion process, was completed at the end of 2022, with the new BYTASCAN, beta-ray gauging system presented at the K-2022 in Düsseldorf. The BYTASCAN uses the Beta ray transmission principle through the material to measure its weight, usually shown in g/m2. […]
We’re on Il Sole 24 Ore, the most important Italian business magazines: January 18th, page 21: Varese, leader enterprises in the new development models. SYNCRO GROUP. Automation project for the plastics, food and chemical industries. Playing between the terms “local” and “global”, Syncro Group defines itself as a glocal company. “We are a global structure, […]
This year we are getting off to a great start! Our new branch SyncroPlantech India will open this new year participating to its first exhibition. As Syncro Group we are glad to share our partecipation to PLASTINDIA 2023. We look forward to seeing you at the show and discuss about our latest technologies. Meet us […]
Syncro Group this year enlarged its family with Acelabs, and SBDRY closing the circle of the “Zero Waste Myssion.” The Company’s mission involves all the companies in the Group and never before have they felt so close to the ultimate this goal: minimize waste and consumption of energy and raw materials as much as […]
On the 19th and 21st of December, we had the pleasure of meet in the Syncro office, the students of Primary and Middle classes of The International Academy of Busto Arsizio, to talk together about Circular Economy, and how important Recycling is for our Planet and our Future! The kids were also able to experience […]
Follow the magic of the Christmas Holidays with Syncro Group! We wait for you every day, start from December 1st, on our social media, with our special Advent Calendar! Main Characters: Syncro, Plantech-CST, Plasmac, EurExMa, SBDRY e Acelabs This year we at Syncro Group have decided to give our support to some associations that, for […]
The end of the summer brought to Cavezzo a new, important production reality. On September 16th in Einaudi street, at the presence of the President of the Emilia Romagna Region, Stefano Bonaccini, and Cavezzo’s Mayor, Lisa Luppi, took place the Grand Opening of the new HQ of Plantech-CST, member of Syncro Group. Plantech-CST is recognized […]
SYNCRO GROUP is delighted to be exhibiting at K-2022 in Düsseldorf with an enlarged family, thanks to the recent addition of AceLabs and EUR.EX.MA into the group, which will strengthen the team made up of Syncro, Plantech-CST and Plasmac. The ambitious project of the group, which started a few years ago, is now identified with […]